
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Details, Details!

"We must do well in our unique way in order to reveal the vast creativity of a God who loves to bring change through the most unlikely channels."

-Dan B. Allender

I am absolutely ecstatic about the doors that are being opened in my life!

Friendships are thriving, I have a new job with the opportunity to share my story and listen to others. LISTENING is the part that I am most looking forward to. I LOVE to hear about the things that are happening in other peoples lives. The big, the little and everything in between!

Take time to celebrate the small victories in your life! We have a tendency to skip over the details, but it is in the details that I {personally} get the most satisfaction.

On this post are some photos that I took last spring. My camera is a tool that helps me re-connect with creation, and to really appreciate the common details of life!

Sometimes, listening is being silent before nature, and absorbing the fact that someone greater, created all this for US!! A master artist. I would challenge you {the few readers that I have} to pay attention to the details! To stop and cherish the trees and the grass. Try to really wrap your mind around the miracle of creation! I can almost bet that it will blow you away, if you will let it! I hope that you will take this challenge seriously! {c'm on! it'll be really fun!}Once you've done this, I would LOVE to hear about your experience!! What is being revealed to you through the WONDER of creation?

I can't wait to hear from YOU! {{DON'T be shy!}}

Until Next Time,


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